If you don't know who Charo is, let me be the first to introduce you to her. The moment she jumped out of a laundry basket like a shrieking pinata in the 1970's hit TV series the
Love Boat, I declared my love for her. There was just something very special about Charo. Originally from Spain, Charo spoke a kind of Spanglish (Spanish & English) at rapid fire speed. She possessed big bouncy hair and even bigger bouncier breasts. She was like a thousand drag queens, maracas, platform shoes and sequins on continual spin in a blender. Throughout the late 70's and early 80's Charo delivered some priceless comedy moments as a regular guest on the
Love Boat, Hollywood Squares and the
John Davidson Show. What made me laugh the most about Charo was her trade mark squeal, "Cuchi-Cuchi". It was just so priceless every time she delivered it. I'm not sure why I even decided to blog about Charo. I simply came across this image of her the other day online and remembered how much she use to make me laugh when I was growing up, so I thought I'd spread some of Charo's "Cuchi-Cuchi" with you.
P.S. I hope you are all having a great May Bank Holiday?
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