It seems you can put a famous face on just about anything these days, even dead ones. You can imagine my surprise when I discovered my beloved
Frida Kahlo, Mexico's most renowned artist and flamboyant Icon, is the latest famous face to front a brand - OF TEQUILA! The thing is,
Frida wasn't just known as an artist, she was also an alcoholic known to polish off a bottle of tequila a day. Maybe not the wisest of ideas plastering Frida's face, without her permission, all over a Tequila bottle then. It seems likely
Frida Kahlo would have approved, at least of the contents if not the packaging. Apparently
Kahlo's niece and heir authorized the use of her image. Me thinks she's just trying to cash in on her aunt's famous name. Needles to say, I still think I'll get a bottle of Frida Tequila. I wonder if the little worm at the bottom looks like
Diego Rivera.
Frida Kahlo Tequila -
Official WEBSITE Here
How about this one?
I almost choked when I saw the first one of these pop up in a London shop...
"A revolution of energy"
...the man must be spinning in his grave...